
The latest news from Retina UK. Please use the filters to find the articles which interest you.

Colin and Linda

Hope for the future

In this article, we hear Colin's story and the reasons why he has hope for the future.

Eppendorf tubes in rack

Research round-up, spring 2023

Progress towards treatments for inherited retinal conditions continues to gather pace and there’s been lots going on in the last few months, with more and more approaches being explored. This round-up gives a flavour of the variety of developments, including plenty that are not specific to a particular genetic fault.

Coins stacked one on top of the other

Collective support from Sight Loss Charities

The cost-of-living crisis is having a major impact on the lives of blind and partially sighted people. Many people are becoming increasingly concerned about how they will make ends meet. Sight Loss Charities have come together as between us we can offer help and support.

On a typical week in the stem cell lab there are many different experiments going on. Different people work on their individual projects, but we often collaborate to share ideas and help each other.

Despite the knock-on effects of the pandemic, there’s been a lot going on this year in the world of research! Here are snapshots of a few stories that have appeared in the Research News section of our website in 2022.

Two women, one standing and one seated. The seated women has her face in a device on the wall

Brain stimulation may reduce hallucinations

UK researchers have discovered that passing a weak electrical current between electrodes on a person’s scalp may lead to a reduction in frequency of the visual hallucinations experienced by some people living with sight loss.