
The latest news from Retina UK. Please use the filters to find the articles which interest you.

On a typical week in the stem cell lab there are many different experiments going on. Different people work on their individual projects, but we often collaborate to share ideas and help each other.

Despite the knock-on effects of the pandemic, there’s been a lot going on this year in the world of research! Here are snapshots of a few stories that have appeared in the Research News section of our website in 2022.

UK researchers have discovered that passing a weak electrical current between electrodes on a person’s scalp may lead to a reduction in frequency of the visual hallucinations experienced by some people living with sight loss.

Charities representing blind and partially sighted people are urging the UK Government to increase benefits in line with inflation rather than wages, when a decision is made at the end of the month.

A research project funded by Retina UK helped pave the way to a new gene therapy that has recently produced encouraging results in two young people with achromatopsia, a condition that causes complete colour-blindness and poor overall vision from birth.

Early 2020 marked an important milestone for the Retina UK community, when the first person with an inherited retinal condition received NHS treatment to potentially slow or even stop the progression of their sight loss.

Thank you to all those who completed our recent Sight Loss Survey – almost 700 of you took the time to share your experiences.