Three ladies all wearing Retina UK t-shirts. They are smiling at the camera

Volunteer for us

Volunteers are highly valued members of the Retina UK team and essential to our ability to achieve our vision of a world where all those affected by inherited retinal conditions are able to live a fulfilling life.

Volunteers are involved in a wide range of activities across the organisation and volunteering can take many different forms. For some volunteering is a one off activity, others may choose to make a long-term commitment to the charity.

We strive to ensure all those who volunteers with us have a positive and fulfilling experience.

Volunteer roles

Our Helpline

The Retina UK Helpline Services are for people with inherited sight loss, their relatives and anyone who wants to know more about these conditions. All the volunteers either live with, or have a close family member with, inherited sight loss.

You would be providing information about benefits, employment, education, providing emotional support or signposting to a relevant organisation.

Our Talk & Support Service

The Retina UK Talk & Support Service offers friendly phone calls from trained volunteers who are willing to share their experiences and lend a listening ear.

This service offers a social link on a more personal and longer term basis than the Retina UK Helpline.

Our Local Peer Support Groups

The Retina UK Peer Support Groups are local groups providing regular meetings and face-to-face contact for people with inherited sight loss, their relatives and anyone who wants to know more about these conditions.

Fundraising volunteers

We have many roles available within our fundraising team from ranging from collectors at local events to guide runners who join our marathon runners.

Occasional volunteers

We have many opportunities to volunteer with Retina UK on an occasional basis – for example our Annual Conference.

Be an office support volunteer

Our office is based in Buckingham and we have many administrative opportunities available throughout the year.

Find out more

If you are interested in becoming a Retina UK Volunteer we would love to hear from you. Please call us on 01280 821334 or send us an email.

Email us

Apply to volunteer with Retina UK

If you would like to apply to volunteer with Retina UK, please complete our application form.

Volunteer application form
A large group of Retina UK volunteers standing outside in the sunshine

Find out more about the impact of volunteers at Retina UK

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Volunteer Impact Report