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A man looking into an eye examination device

Gyrate Atrophy

This very rare condition is associated with a deficiency in the enzyme ornithineaminotransferase.

A man looking into an eye examination device

Refsum syndrome

In Refsum syndrome, visual impairment is accompanied by hearing loss, neurological problems, heart problems, dry or flaky skin, loss of sense of smell, and oddly shaped red blood cells.

A man looking into an eye examination device

NARP syndrome

People with NARP (Neuropathy, Ataxia and Retinitis Pigmentosa) syndrome have neurological (muscle weakness, epilepsy and memory problems) and balance problems in addition to retinitis pigmentosa.

A man looking into an eye examination device

Bassen-Kornweig syndrome

In this condition, retinitis pigmentosa is accompanied by progressive neurological problems, abnormal red blood cells (acanthocytosis) and defective bowel absorption of fat, leading to very low blood levels of cholesterol and absent beta lipoprotein (Abetalipoproteinaemia).

A man looking into an eye examination device

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS)

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is an inherited, rare condition which impacts many parts of the body including the retina.

Types of genetic testing

This page explains the different types of genetic tests: diagnostic testing, predictive testing, carrier testing and research testing

Funding paves the way for achromatopsia

A research project funded by Retina UK helped pave the way to a new gene therapy that has recently produced encouraging results in two young people with achromatopsia, a condition that causes complete colour-blindness and poor overall vision from birth.