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A man looking into an eye examination device


Choroideremia is a genetic condition that causes progressive vision loss, mostly in males, and is due to degeneration of the specialised light-sensing photoreceptor cells that line the back of the eye.

A man looking into an eye examination device


Achromatopsia is a rare hereditary vision disorder resulting in an absence of colour vision along with additional visual problems.

A man looking into an eye examination device

Stargardt disease

Stargardt disease is the most common form of inherited juvenile macular degeneration. Progressive vision loss is caused by the death of photoreceptor cells in the central portion of the retina called the macula.

A man looking into an eye examination device

Charles Bonnet syndrome

Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS) causes people who have lost a lot of sight to see things that aren’t real (hallucinations).

A man looking into an eye examination device

Cone-rod dystrophy

Cone-rod dystrophy is less common than rod-cone dystrophy with an incidence of approximately 1 in 80,000.

Rod-cone dystrophy

Rod-cone dystrophy is an umbrella term used to describe retinal conditions in which the rod-shaped photoreceptors, found mainly in the peripheral areas of the retina, degenerate ahead of the cone-shaped photoreceptors in the centre.

Two men facing the camera. They are both smiling

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Two men facing the camera. They are both smiling


Since we were founded in 1976, we have invested more than £16.5million into some of the most pioneering medical research - because of amazing supporters like you.