Amsterdam Marathon 2024
#TeamRetinaUK goes global! Is 2024 the year that you take on the Amsterdam Marathon?
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#TeamRetinaUK goes global! Is 2024 the year that you take on the Amsterdam Marathon?
Barcelona’s half marathon, also known as the Mitja Marato de Barcelona, is the second largest running event in Barcelona after the marathon.
17,000 runners from over 100 countries around the world are expected to take to the roads in March for the 2024 Barcelona Marathon
The Paris Marathon, which sees more than 60,000 people take part yearly, is the marathon with the second-most finishers in the world, behind the New York City Marathon. Fancy taking on an iconic race in aid of Retina UK? We’d love to hear from you.
The Paris Half Marathon is one of the world's most iconic races. Fancy taking on a race for Retina UK in 2025? We’d love to hear from you.
The Big Half is a vibrant, inclusive half marathon with a fun, festival atmosphere and you could be taking part with #TeamRetinaUK!
Superheroes, the race is on and it doesn’t get any bigger than this! As part of #TeamRetinaUK, remotely join forces with hundreds of fellow superheroes around the world!
Fundraising for Retina UK means a lot to me - both my dad and my nephew have been affected by inherited sight-loss, and I've seen first-hand the incredible work this charity does.
Take on a challenge with #TeamRetinaUK! Run, jog or walk 10 miles in your neighbourhood.