Roly Megaw

Webinar: Inflammation and retinal degeneration in RP

Roly Megaw is a clinician scientist. He is a Wellcome Trust funded clinical lecturer at the MRC Human Genetics Unit at the University of Edinburgh and a consultant ophthalmologist in NHS Lothian. Roly undertook his PhD with Charles ffrench-Constant at the Scottish Centre for Regenerative medicine, using induced pluripotent stem cells to model x-linked retinitis pigmentosa, prior to undertaking his clinical fellowship with Graeme Black in Manchester.

He now runs the inherited retinal dystrophy service in Edinburgh, allowing him to combine his clinical and research interests. He uses human stem cell and animal models to better understand the mechanisms underlying genetic eye disease in an attempt to identify new treatments.

Roly is the research lead for the curriculum committee and an elected member of the academic committee of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. He sits on the Northern Alliance Advanced Therapeutics Treatment Centre clinical advisory group and on the board of examiners for the University of Edinburgh’s online MSc and ChM programmes in Clinical Ophthalmology.

He will talk about the role inflammation plays in retinitis pigmentosa, its resulting complications and how this has informed some recent work in the lab. He will give an overview of these recent findings in his lab and explain how it could be an avenue to identifying novel therapies.

Audio only recording