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Jing Yu - a man wearing an orange t shirt facing the camera. There is a microscope to his left on a desk.

A blog from the research coal face

Jing Yu is a bioinformatician with the Eye Research Group at Oxford University, and is part of the UK Inherited Retinal Dystrophy Consortium (UKIRDC) team, funded by a Retina UK  grant.

Funding paves the way for achromatopsia

A research project funded by Retina UK helped pave the way to a new gene therapy that has recently produced encouraging results in two young people with achromatopsia, a condition that causes complete colour-blindness and poor overall vision from birth.

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ReNeuron trial FAQs

You may have heard that a cell-based treatment approach (sometimes referred to as a “stem cell treatment”), developed by a company called ReNeuron, is being tested in a clinical trial at Oxford Eye Hospital and other centres in the US and Europe.