Our Partners

We are proud to work collaboratively with a number of corporate partners to enable our community to live fulfilled lives today as well as supporting the pharmaceutical industry in their mission to develop potential new treatments.

We are very grateful to the following corporate partners for all they do to support our work and our community.

Sepul Bio is a business unit within Thea exclusively focused on developing treatments for inherited retinal diseases. Sepul Bio’s initial focus will be to develop two  flagship assets: Sepofarsen and Ultevursen.

Janssen Pharmaceuticals, one of the Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, has established a new focus on Retinal Diseases to develop transformational therapies and platforms that restore and preserve vision.

Abbvie a pharmaceutical and research development company.

AAvantgarde, a biotechnology company working on developing treatments for Usher syndrome type 1B and Stargardt disease.

Alkeus Pharmaceuticals, who are dedicated to developing treatments for inherited progressive sight loss.

Janssen Pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & JohnsonLogo of sepul bio

We’d love to hear from you if you are interested in working with us. We take a flexible and personalised approach to our relationships with corporate supporters – give our friendly fundraising team a call on 01280 815900 or email fundraising@RetinaUK.org.uk for an informal chat.

"I have worked closely with Retina UK for over five years. I have always found the team to be professional, fast responding, and informed."
Andy Bolan, Sepul Bio.