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Laura Tyler

Podcast: Blindly Chatty – Episode one

Have you ever really thought about how you use your  senses after sight loss? Does your sense of humour relate to your ability to tell a joke or hear a joke? Find the answers to these questions and more in our ‘Blindingly Chatty’ podcast from Laura and Mark.

Podcast: What is the UKIRDC and why does it exist?

With a significant proportion of inherited retinal conditions being caused by unidentified genetic faults, and many families unable to get clear results from genetic tests in clinic, the project set out to solve previously undiagnosable cases and discover more of the genes and mutations that are associated with sight loss.

Podcast: Blindingly Chatty – Episode 3

On this episode Laura Tyler, Yanan Yu, and Steve Golden talk about their experiences with learning and playing instruments, and how people with sight loss can play and learn no matter their level of vision.