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Applying for research funding

We provide funding for innovative, high quality research projects investigating the causes and potential treatments for all forms of inherited retinal disease.

The Spring 2023 edition of the Retina UK newsletter, Look Forward, which includes articles about our upcoming events, research updates and more.

Look Forward – Summer 2023 – Issue 180

Did you join either of our Conferences this year? You can read about them inside this edition of Look Forward. We’ve had some fantastic feedback from our delegates so if you weren’t able to attend, you can watch or listen to the recordings from the day on our website.

Research news roundup – innovation in 2022

Despite the knock-on effects of the pandemic, there’s been a lot going on this year in the world of research! Here are snapshots of a few stories that have appeared in the Research News section of our website in 2022.

A group of people standing in a room with exhibition stands behind them

Trusts and Foundations

Inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs) are the leading cause of blindness in working-age people in the UK, and children as young as eighteen-months are regularly diagnosed.

ReNeuron trial FAQs

You may have heard that a cell-based treatment approach (sometimes referred to as a “stem cell treatment”), developed by a company called ReNeuron, is being tested in a clinical trial at Oxford Eye Hospital and other centres in the US and Europe.