Webinar: Ask the Expert: Dr Roly Megaw
This time we are joined by Roly Megaw, Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist at University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian
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This time we are joined by Roly Megaw, Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist at University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian
Prof Mariya Moosajee at Moorfields Eye Hospital has asked us to share the message below about the clinical trial she is running. This trial is for a treatment that targets a particular section of the USH2A gene.
Our partnerships are mutually beneficial. For Retina UK this means we can fund more research and offer support on a local level, while our partners can achieve corporate social responsibility objectives whilst making a tangible impact.
Our Keynote speaker will be Mr Kanmin Xue. Mr Xue is a Consultant Vitreo-retinal Surgeon at the John Radcliffe Hospital and Wellcome Trust clinician scientist fellow at the University of Oxford where he leads the Retinal Disease and Repair Group.
Do you want to win up to £25,000 and feel good about supporting people with inherited progressive sight loss?!
When we talk about gene therapy we are usually referring to use of a harmless virus, called a vector, to deliver a normal copy of a defective gene into the cells of the eye.
Choroideremia is a rare genetic condition resulting in progressive sight loss in men.
Are you affected by inherited sight loss? We are here to help.
Emily Kearney is mum to four boys, aged four to 13, two of whom are living with an inherited sight loss condition.
Aged 20, James was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa at a routine eye appointment in September 2015 and registered partially sighted, just prior to buying his first car and taking his driving test.