x-linked inheritance
X-linked inheritance means that the faulty gene is located on the X chromosome, the larger of the two sex chromosomes.
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X-linked inheritance means that the faulty gene is located on the X chromosome, the larger of the two sex chromosomes.
Information for healthcare professionals: Genetic testing and counselling in inherited retinal disease
Vanessa is the General Counsel at the Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national data science and artificial intelligence research institute.
Biotechnology company ProQR has announced that two of its RNA therapy development programmes for inherited sight loss are being acquired by Laboratoires Théa, a company specialising in eye care products.
Inflammation and retinal degeneration in retinitis pigmentosa: Can lessons learned in the lab help us identify treatments in the clinic?
Cataracts occur fairly frequently and at a relatively early age within the Retina UK community of people with inherited retinal conditions. A question that comes up over and over again is whether or not to have cataract surgery.
Autoimmune diseases are quite distinct from inherited retinal dystrophies.
The BBC covered a story on Monday 24 May about optogenetics partially restoring the sight of a man living with retinitis pigmentosa in France.
The team have found the cause of disease in the first ever family tree drawn up at Moorfields Eye Hospital over 35 years ago, which had remained unsolved until now.
Ashley is currently the Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, International for Vertex Pharmaceuticals.