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Retina UK Knowledge-base: Pattern dystrophy and Doyne honeycomb dystrophy

Pattern & Doyne honeycomb dystrophy

Pattern dystrophy is an umbrella term for a group of retinal conditions. It is characterized by various patterns of pigment deposition within the macula.

Retina UK Knowledge-base: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP)

Classic retinitis pigmentosa

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited eye condition that affects the photoreceptor cells responsible for capturing images from the visual field.

Retina UK Knowledge-base: Stargardt disease

Stargardt disease

Stargardt disease is the most common form of juvenile macular dystrophy (or inherited degeneration).

Retina UK Knowledge-base: Rare syndromes

Rare syndromes

These very rare syndromes(NARP, Bassen-Kornweig, PXE, Norrie) affect the eyes as well as other parts of the body.