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Types of genetic testing

This page explains the different types of genetic tests: diagnostic testing, predictive testing, carrier testing and research testing

Contact our Helpline

The content on this site will have answered some of your queries about inherited sight loss and associated syndromes, but everyone’s circumstances are different and you may have further questions.

retinal device

Artificial vision

There are about 125 million rod and cone cells within the retina that act as the eye's light receptors.

People chatting in the sun

Corporate partnerships

Our partnerships are mutually beneficial. For Retina UK this means we can fund more research and offer support on a local level, while our partners can achieve corporate social responsibility objectives whilst making a tangible impact.

A group of people standing in a room with exhibition stands behind them

Trusts and Foundations

Inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs) are the leading cause of blindness in working-age people in the UK, and children as young as eighteen-months are regularly diagnosed.

Funding paves the way for achromatopsia

A research project funded by Retina UK helped pave the way to a new gene therapy that has recently produced encouraging results in two young people with achromatopsia, a condition that causes complete colour-blindness and poor overall vision from birth.