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Online information & support
Retina UK has a number of online support resources which we offer via social media.
Therapy development updates
There are many ongoing clinical and laboratory studies around the world, exploring innovative approaches to treating inherited sight loss.
Trusts and Foundations
Inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs) are the leading cause of blindness in working-age people in the UK, and children as young as eighteen-months are regularly diagnosed.
Beware of online adverts about treatments
The Retina UK community is sometimes targeted by adverts online or in social media, offering invasive treatments for inherited sight loss.
Information and support services
Whether you are looking for practical information or emotional support, online, by phone or face-to-face, we’re here to help.
Brain stimulation may reduce hallucinations
UK researchers have discovered that passing a weak electrical current between electrodes on a person’s scalp may lead to a reduction in frequency of the visual hallucinations experienced by some people living with sight loss.
Look Forward – Winter 2023 – Issue 181
Inside this edition, register now for our AI webinar on 7 December with Dr Nikolas Pontikos.
Bright Futures: Empowering young adults with inherited sight loss
Join us for an inspiring webinar where young adults living with sight loss share their extraordinary stories and insights
e-Newsletter – February 2023
Our monthly e-Newsletter featuring the latest updates from Retina UK. Subscribe now to receive these updates directly to your email.