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2 ladies hiking, wearing Retina UK t-shirts.

5K A Day In May 2024

May is National Walking Month! Are you ready to join #TeamRetinaUK in May for our brand new daily 5K challenge? Your support will allow us to continue supporting those who are living with inherited sight loss.

Take on a challenge

With your challenge you’ll help support people affected by inherited sight loss to lead better lives today and accelerate the search for treatments for the future.

A runner is shown in a Retina UK runnning vest posing with a thumbs up

Run Locally

As well as many of the well known races, we also have places available in hundreds of local runs. Wherever you live, you can run as part of #TeamRetinaUK!

A man and a woman wearing smart clothes playing table tennis

How we can work together

We can provide all the support your organisation needs to work with us; from ideas to practical support and materials. The Retina UK team will help your contribution be as fun and rewarding as possible.