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Jonathan Abro

Let’s talk about tech

As people living with sight loss we are constantly looking for solutions to make our lives easier without too much effort or cost writes Jonathan Abro.

Coins stacked one on top of the other

Collective support from Sight Loss Charities

The cost-of-living crisis is having a major impact on the lives of blind and partially sighted people. Many people are becoming increasingly concerned about how they will make ends meet. Sight Loss Charities have come together as between us we can offer help and support.

Gift aid illustration showing that £1 grows to £1.25 with gift aid

Gift Aid Declaration

Completing this form will enable Retina UK to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to Retina UK we can claim back 25p at no extra cost to you.

jCyte update

In spring 2021, the US company jCyte announced detailed results from their successful phase 2b clinical trial of jCell, a stem cell-based treatment for RP.