This webinar was originally broadcast on Thursday 21st November 2024.

Webinar: The Big Give: How your donations make a difference
Join us to find out how your donations make a direct different and fund research.
Hear our innovative research grantees discuss their projects and the exciting progress they are making, and see how your gift can make a real impact this Big Give.
Our panel includes:
Professor Majlinda Lako:
Professor Majlinda Lako is the co-director of regenerative medicine stem cells and transplantation at Newcastle University. Professor Lako is a member of the Biosciences Institute and her work contributes to the Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells and Transplantation research Theme. She is also part of the Neuroscience NUCoRE.
Professor Jacqueline van der Spuy:
Jacqueline van der Spuy is a Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, which she joined as a Wellcome Trust Travelling Research Fellow in 2000.
Jacqueline’s research aims to understand the molecular basis of and develop treatments for inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs). Professor van der Spuy is currently supervising PhD student Gabriel, whose project explores the potential use of prime editing as a route to treating Stargardt disease.
Elena Piotter, DPhil Student and Retina UK / Macular Society Scholar:
Elena completed her Bachelors in International Relations (BA) and Global Disease Biology (BSc) at the University of California, Davis. She is currently pursuing her Masters in Molecular Biology at the Reijksuniversiteit Groningen, for which she is undertaking a research project as an Honorary Academic Visitor in Professor Robert MacLaren’s lab. Her project focuses on utilizing CRISPR-Cas9 in addressing degenerative eye disease.