Meet our volunteers: Dr Katerina Tavoulari

Katerina joined the Retina UK team at the start of 2023 after hearing about the charity through her involvement in a research project at the University of Bath, where she works as an academic.

She said “given my professional academic background in disability, with an emphasis on visual impairment,” she was “naturally drawn to the work of the charity”.

After collaborating with some of the team she “was really impressed by the organisation, mission and the supportive community they had built” and let us know she’d be interested in volunteering with us… Naturally we jumped at the chance!

Now, nine months later, Katerina is the Local Peer Support Group Facilitator for Bristol, Bath and Wilts and is finding the experience extremely rewarding. She said: “Even though I don’t have a visual impairment myself, I feel immensely supported by the team, by fellow volunteers and by individuals with a visual impairment who have generously assisted me with practical matters. My first experience at the Retina UK Annual Conference in London with all these people was amazing, because I felt like they embraced me.”