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About Unlock Genetics

The aim of the site is to increase the level of awareness and understanding of genetic testing and genetic counselling among people living with inherited retinal dystrophies, empowering them to make fully informed decisions about their lives, healthcare and family planning.

Blindingly chatty podcast header with two speech bubbles and a visual representation of audio below

Podcast: Blindingly Chatty – episode two

In this episode Laura and Mark talk about their dreams and how they see the world in sleep. Mark is living with retinitis pigmentosa so his sight has deteriorated over his life, whereas Laura lost her sight at a very young age. They also briefly cover Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS).

Contact our Helpline

The content on this site will have answered some of your queries about inherited sight loss and associated syndromes, but everyone’s circumstances are different and you may have further questions.

A woman smiling at the camera with long dark hair

Diagnosis and beyond

Making yourself aware of the what you are entitled to, and understanding the diagnosis pathway for inherited sight loss, will put you in a stronger position to seek better support.