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A large group of people with the focus on a man holding a cane. He is wearing sunglasses.

Information for employers

If you are considering employing someone with inherited sight loss, or have an employee recently been diagnosed with the condition, you will need to take steps to ensure that you treat them fairly and that they can work safely and effectively.

Our affiliations

We are proud to work with a number of organisations that share our aims and values.

A series of cogs interlocking on a blue background

Inheritance patterns

Your doctor or genetic counsellor will spend some time asking about other people in your family to try to work out the way in which your particular faulty gene has been passed down through the generations – this is referred to as the inheritance pattern.

From isolation to exploration

During Loneliness Awareness Week, we're hosting a special webinar to address the challenges faced by individuals with sight loss when it comes to travel and mobility.

Your donations make progress possible

Your generous support allows Retina UK to fund the work of leading scientists who are increasing understanding of inherited sight loss and moving us closer to treatments.