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Looking after your vision

It is important to avoid harming your vision, particularly if you have an inherited sight loss condition.

A cog in white on a dark navy background

Getting a referral

If you have a diagnosis of an inherited retinal condition, or you are a close relative of somebody living with one of these conditions, you are entitled to access testing and genetic counselling.


The BBC covered a story on Monday 24 May about optogenetics partially restoring the sight of a man living with retinitis pigmentosa in France.

A fruit pavlova with a Retina UK collecting tin at the rear of the picture

Birthday Fundraising

Mark your special day, whilst fundraising for people with inherited sight loss.

Research news roundup – innovation in 2022

Despite the knock-on effects of the pandemic, there’s been a lot going on this year in the world of research! Here are snapshots of a few stories that have appeared in the Research News section of our website in 2022.

Four people sitting in a line. The person furthest away from the camera is the only one facing towards it. He is wearing a white shirt

Involving our community

Our community is informed and knowledgeable about current research projects into the cause(s) of and treatments for these conditions.