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Autosomal dominant inheritance

Autosomal dominant inheritance means that the faulty gene is on an autosome (any chromosome other than the sex chromosomes) and that only one faulty copy is needed to cause sight loss.

Light sensing small molecule given green light

Biotechnology company Kiora Pharmaceuticals has been given the go-ahead to start in-human testing of a novel “small molecule” treatment, known as KIO-301, for advanced vision loss in retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The phase 1b clinical trial will take place in Adelaide, Australia, and will begin enrolling participants towards the end of 2022.

Lynda Cantor

What we do

Our vision is a world where everyone with inherited sight loss is able to live a fulfilling life.

Looking after your vision

It is important to avoid harming your vision, particularly if you have an inherited sight loss condition.

A cog in white on a dark navy background

Getting a referral

If you have a diagnosis of an inherited retinal condition, or you are a close relative of somebody living with one of these conditions, you are entitled to access testing and genetic counselling.