Help to shape our future
By sharing your views and experiences in our 2022 Sight Loss Survey you can help ensure our current and future activities are relevant and that they respond to your needs.
We will also share the findings with other statutory bodies and organisations that can make a difference for people living with inherited sight loss.
In 2019 more than 900 of you completed our survey. The information you provided has been invaluable.
Members of our community have been involved in the development of the survey.
Paula McGrath, Director of Development, said: “It is vital we have an up-to-date understanding of how people experience life with inherited sight loss. This is why we repeat our survey every three years.
“The findings will enable us to set our priorities, measure our progress and impact over the coming years and support our applications to funding bodies. I would strongly encourage all of our community to take this opportunity to make their voice heard.”
Take part
The survey is open to anyone living in the UK with an inherited sight loss condition. It can take 20 minutes or longer to complete, especially if you are using accessibility software or devices. It is not possible to stop part-way and resume another time, so only start the survey now if you have time to complete it in one session. Otherwise, feel free to exit and come back when you have more time. The deadline is Tuesday 26 April.
It can be completed:
- on paper
- online (surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SightLossSurvey2022)
- over the phone. Call 01280 821334 and we will arrange a time to phone you back.
You can respond anonymously should you wish.