Annual Report and accounts
You can download the last three years’ Trustees’ Annual Report & Accounts. They are also available on the Charity Commission website.
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You can download the last three years’ Trustees’ Annual Report & Accounts. They are also available on the Charity Commission website.
We carried out our first Sight Loss Survey in 2019 and used what we learned to improve our support. It was repeated in 2022. These are the findings.
Our Board of Trustees is responsible for the strategic management of the organisation and delivery of our charitable objectives.
Vanessa is the General Counsel at the Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national data science and artificial intelligence research institute.
TPT and Sight Loss Councils: Cut it back campaign
The collective partnership of eight of the leading charities in the sight loss sector, known for the last three years as the VI Charity Sector Partnership, has re-launched under a new identity of the ‘Vision Partnership’ with a re-invigorated purpose and new strategic focus.
Colin McArthur re-joined the board in 2024 after serving as a trustee between January 2008 and September 2019.
Kathy joined Retina UK as Chair of Trustees in September 2024.
We are delighted to welcome Kathy Evans as our new Chair of Trustees.
Formal notice of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting in September 2024.