We employ a number of full and part-time staff. Our office is in Buckingham.
To contact a member of the team, phone 01280 821334 or email info@RetinaUK.org.uk.
info@RetinaUK.org.uk 01280 821334 07889 584910
sadia.asghar@RetinaUK.org.uk 07856 907463 01280 821334
fundraising@RetinaUK.org.uk 01280 815900
info@RetinaUK.org.uk 01280 821334
mark.baxter@RetinaUK.org.uk 07889 595783
amelia.burton@RetinaUK.org.uk 07841 481423 01280 815900
matthew.carr@RetinaUK.org.uk 07849 834532
yvette.chivers@RetinaUK.org.uk 01280 821334
james.clarke@RetinaUK.org.uk 07736 925174
tom.cooper@RetinaUK.org.uk 07736 958207
vanessa.davis@RetinaUK.org.uk 01280 821334
info@RetinaUK.org.uk 07590 429512 01280 821334
chiefexec@RetinaUK.org.uk 01280 821334
sarah.lowe@RetinaUK.org.uk 01280 821334
paula.mcgrath@RetinaUK.org.uk 01280 821334 07841 461941
lauren.osborne-lewis@RetinaUK.org.uk 01280 821334 07856 904764
denise.rawden@RetinaUK.org.uk 07429 689804
jane.russell@RetinaUK.org.uk 07719 967368 01280 821334