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A male runner smiles as he holds his Marathon medal.

TCS London Marathon 2026

Be a part of our 50th anniversary team at the iconic TCS London Marathon 2026! Join #TeamRetinaUK and soak up the incredible atmosphere as you run from Blackheath to The Mall finish line where you’ll get your very own iconic medal.

A male runner smiles as he holds his Marathon medal.

TCS London Marathon 2025

Join #TeamRetinaUK for the iconic 2025 TCS London Marathon! Soak up the incredible atmosphere as you run from Blackheath to The Mall finish line where you’ll get your very own marathon medal.

A young boy wearing glasses with his arms folded on a table

Information for teachers

If you have a child with a visual impairment joining your class, you may have questions about how best you can teach and help them.

The Spring 2023 edition of the Retina UK newsletter, Look Forward, which includes articles about our upcoming events, research updates and more.

Look Forward – Summer 2023 – Issue 180

Did you join either of our Conferences this year? You can read about them inside this edition of Look Forward. We’ve had some fantastic feedback from our delegates so if you weren’t able to attend, you can watch or listen to the recordings from the day on our website.