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Our Partners

We are proud to work collaboratively with a number of corporate partners to enable our community to live fulfilled lives today as well as supporting the pharmaceutical industry in their mission to develop potential new treatments.

The cover of Look Forward Summer 2024 (issue 183) featuring a group of eight people looking down at the camera with blue sky above them

Look Forward – Summer 2024 – Issue 183

This edition includes exciting news about our Annual and Professionals’ Conferences. We hope as many of you as possible can join us in Manchester, or online, in September. You’ll also find updates about the latest research and a feature on one of our funded researchers, Dr Jörn Lakowski.

A man wearing a red checked shirt standing at a lectern in front of a number of seated people

The Gene Team

Funding from Retina UK has allowed to team to explore the viability of gene therapy as a treatment for RP and related conditions, and build a pipeline of clinical trials.

A machine with a digital display with a hand in a green glove pressing the screen with their index finger

Therapy development updates

There are many ongoing clinical and laboratory studies around the world, exploring innovative approaches to treating inherited sight loss.

A group of people standing in a room with exhibition stands behind them

Trusts and Foundations

Inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs) are the leading cause of blindness in working-age people in the UK, and children as young as eighteen-months are regularly diagnosed.