Research grants
Retina UK aims not only to progress research along established threads, but to stimulate new thinking, encourage innovative approaches and nurture original ideas.
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Retina UK aims not only to progress research along established threads, but to stimulate new thinking, encourage innovative approaches and nurture original ideas.
The Spring 2023 edition of the Retina UK newsletter, Look Forward, which includes articles about our upcoming events, research updates and more.
Disulfiram (Antabuse), FDA-approved for deterring alcohol, is in a phase 1 trial at the University of Washington to improve vision in retinitis pigmentosa.
The FDA has given Ocugen permission to start their phase 3 gene therapy clinical trial for retinitis pigmentosa (RP).
It was previously believed that female carriers of X-linked inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) like X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (RP and Choroideremia) remained unaffected by sight loss.
Did you join either of our Conferences this year? You can read about them inside this edition of Look Forward. We’ve had some fantastic feedback from our delegates so if you weren’t able to attend, you can watch or listen to the recordings from the day on our website.
Sepul Bio begins clinical trial of ultevursen for USH2A-associated RP
Aged 20, James was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa at a routine eye appointment in September 2015 and registered partially sighted, just prior to buying his first car and taking his driving test.
My name is Mark Baxter and from an early age I was diagnosed with a deteriorating retinal eye condition called retinitis pigmentosa or RP for short, which will slowly lead to blindness.
Our West Yorkshire peer support group recently welcomed The Blind Poet, Dave Steele, who is living with retinitis pigmentosa, to their meeting. He talks candidly about his diagnosis, his poetry and his optimistic mindset.