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Retina UK Knowledge-base: Usher syndrome

Usher syndrome

Usher syndrome is an inherited condition that affects both hearing and vision.

Knowledge-base: Alstrom syndrome

Alstrom syndrome

Alstrom syndrome is an inherited condition which affects many body systems.

Retina UK Knowledge-base: Refsum syndrome

Refsum syndrome

Refsum syndrome is an inherited metabolic condition, associated with elevated phytanic acid plasma levels, which impacts many body systems.

Retina UK Knowledge-base: Rare syndromes

Rare syndromes

These very rare syndromes(NARP, Bassen-Kornweig, PXE, Norrie) affect the eyes as well as other parts of the body.

Knowledge-base, Bardet-biedl syndrome

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS)

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is an inherited condition which impacts many parts of the body including the retina.

A man looking into an eye examination device

Charles Bonnet syndrome

Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS) causes people who have lost a lot of sight to see things that aren’t real (hallucinations).

A man looking into an eye examination device

Bassen-Kornweig syndrome

In this condition, retinitis pigmentosa is accompanied by progressive neurological problems, abnormal red blood cells (acanthocytosis) and defective bowel absorption of fat, leading to very low blood levels of cholesterol and absent beta lipoprotein (Abetalipoproteinaemia).

Retina UK Knowledge-base: Pattern dystrophy and Doyne honeycomb dystrophy

Pattern & Doyne honeycomb dystrophy

Pattern dystrophy is an umbrella term for a group of retinal conditions. It is characterized by various patterns of pigment deposition within the macula.