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A man wearing a red checked shirt standing at a lectern in front of a number of seated people

The Gene Team

Funding from Retina UK has allowed to team to explore the viability of gene therapy as a treatment for RP and related conditions, and build a pipeline of clinical trials.

A man facing towards the camera seated with a woman facing away from the camera (towards the man)

Types of inherited sight loss

Inherited progressive sight loss is caused by a range of rare genetic conditions. We specialise in those which affect the retina.

Genetic testing: an essential topic for discussion with the IRD community

As Luxturna reaches the clinic and other gene-specific therapies for inherited retinal disease get closer to the end of the development pipeline, it is becoming ever more important that affected families can access a genetic diagnosis, potentially opening up choices around treatment and clinical trial participation.

Gift aid illustration showing that £1 grows to £1.25 with gift aid

Gift Aid Declaration

Completing this form will enable Retina UK to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to Retina UK we can claim back 25p at no extra cost to you.

Retina UK awards new research funding

Retina UK is delighted to have awarded a new three-year research grant to Prof Majlinda Lako at Newcastle University for a project entitled: To establish AAV.PRPF31 gene augmentation in PRPF31-deficient RPE and photoreceptor cells and assess its efficacy in restoring RPE and photoreceptor function.