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Retina UK Knowledge-base: Gyrate atrophy

Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina

Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina, shortened to gyrate atrophy, is an inherited disorder of protein metabolism characterised by progressive vision loss.

2 ladies hiking, wearing Retina UK t-shirts.

5K A Day In May 2024

May is National Walking Month! Are you ready to join #TeamRetinaUK in May for our brand new daily 5K challenge? Your support will allow us to continue supporting those who are living with inherited sight loss.

Rod-cone dystrophy

Rod-cone dystrophy is an umbrella term used to describe retinal conditions in which the rod-shaped photoreceptors, found mainly in the peripheral areas of the retina, degenerate ahead of the cone-shaped photoreceptors in the centre.

Retina UK Knowledge-base: Rare syndromes

Rare syndromes

These very rare syndromes (NARP, Bassen-Kornweig, PXE, Norrie) affect the eyes as well as other parts of the body.

Retina UK Knowledge-base: X-linked retinoschisis

X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS)

X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS) is an inherited condition that causes early loss of mainly central vision in males.

A man looking into an eye examination device

Bassen-Kornweig syndrome

In this condition, retinitis pigmentosa is accompanied by progressive neurological problems, abnormal red blood cells (acanthocytosis) and defective bowel absorption of fat, leading to very low blood levels of cholesterol and absent beta lipoprotein (Abetalipoproteinaemia).