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East Midlands Local Peer Support Group


Find out about our upcoming events. Whether you're looking for a webinar, a local peer support group or you're hoping to run a marathon, we've got something for you.

Colin and Linda


Raise money to help support people affected by inherited sight loss to lead better lives today and accelerate the search for treatments for the future.

A woman seen from behind facing a computer screen

The UK Inherited Retinal Dystrophy Consortium

In 2014 we funded an exciting new collaborative project. The UK Inherited Retinal Dystrophy Consortium (UKIRDC) Project brought together the four largest research groups in the UK specialising in inherited retinal diseases (IRDs).

A DNA spiral with a piece removed being held by tweezers

Genetics and gene therapy

When we talk about gene therapy we are usually referring to use of a harmless virus, called a vector, to deliver a normal copy of a defective gene into the cells of the eye.