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A male runner smiles as he holds his Marathon medal.

TCS London Marathon 2026

Be a part of our 50th anniversary team at the iconic TCS London Marathon 2026! Join #TeamRetinaUK and soak up the incredible atmosphere as you run from Blackheath to The Mall finish line where you’ll get your very own iconic medal.

A male runner smiles as he holds his Marathon medal.

TCS London Marathon 2025

Join #TeamRetinaUK for the iconic 2025 TCS London Marathon! Soak up the incredible atmosphere as you run from Blackheath to The Mall finish line where you’ll get your very own marathon medal.

Image shows a runner stood smiling with her thumbs up. She is wearing a blue Retina UK running vest with the 'Retina UK' logo in white on the front. She is also wearing a 2022 London Marathon medal.

2023 TCS London Marathon

Join #TeamRetinaUK for the iconic 2023 TCS London Marathon! Soak up the incredible atmosphere as you run from Blackheath to The Mall finish line where you’ll get your very own marathon medal.

Image shows a runner stood smiling with her arms outstretched . She is wearing a blue Retina UK running vest and a London Marathon medal around her neck.

Saucony London 10K 2025

With live bands, DJs and cheering fans along the route, which takes you past Westminster Bridge, The London Eye, Regent Street, Piccadilly Circus and Big Ben, this flat and friendly event is perfect for beginners or seasoned pros.

Queen Alexandra Enterprises Birmingham Empowering Abilities, Inspiring Lives

QAC Sight Village: London

An unmissable event for people of all ages living with varying degrees of sight loss, professionals supporting and advising VIP’s and for all businesses and other organisations wishing to improve their services for the visually impaired.