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The letters FAQ in green sitting on top of lots of question marks in red, green and blue

Fundraising FAQs

Fancy fundraising for Retina UK? Here’s a few pointers to help get you started.

Start your own fundraising

Organising your own fundraising is great fun and a brilliant way to involve your friends, family and local community.

Images shows a group of three walkers walking along a trail with other walkers in the distance. Green fields and trees line the trail. 'Chiltern 50 Challenge' is written on the top right of the image.

Chiltern 50 Challenge

This ‘end of season’ 50km looped route covers some of the best of the Chilterns countryside. You can walk, jog, or run along historic trails and over rolling hills. A half distance 25km challenge is also available.

A photo of our volunteers gathered at our conference.

Corporate partnerships

Our partnerships are mutually beneficial. For Retina UK this means we can fund more research and offer support on a local level, while our partners can achieve corporate social responsibility objectives whilst making a tangible impact.