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Eppendorf tubes in rack

Research round-up, spring 2023

Progress towards treatments for inherited retinal conditions continues to gather pace and there’s been lots going on in the last few months, with more and more approaches being explored. This round-up gives a flavour of the variety of developments, including plenty that are not specific to a particular genetic fault.

A runner is shown in a Retina UK runnning vest posing with a thumbs up

Manchester Marathon

The Manchester Marathon is one of the UK’s premier running events, famous for its fast, flat and friendly route. Join 25,000 runners taking on the 26.2miles as you’re cheered on by the incredible Mancunian crowds making for an unforgettable day!

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A magnifier illustration highlighting test tubes in a rack

Genetic testing

Genetic testing, usually via a blood sample, is used to try and identify which gene contains the fault that is causing an individual’s sight loss.