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Here at Retina UK we have some truly amazing volunteer Ambassadors, who help to spread the word about our important work and share their inspirational stories.

A machine with a digital display with a hand in a green glove pressing the screen with their index finger

Research grants

Retina UK aims not only to progress research along established threads, but to stimulate new thinking, encourage innovative approaches and nurture original ideas.

A high power image showing the position of a single transplanted photoreceptor cell (green) making new connections with bipolar cells in the recipient retina (cyan).

Stem cells

Stem cells are a special type of cell, which under the right conditions can be encouraged to grow into any other type of cell in the body, including retinal cells (rods, cones and retinal pigment epithelial cells).

The cover of Look Forward Summer 2024 (issue 183) featuring a group of eight people looking down at the camera with blue sky above them

Look Forward – Summer 2024 – Issue 183

This edition includes exciting news about our Annual and Professionals’ Conferences. We hope as many of you as possible can join us in Manchester, or online, in September. You’ll also find updates about the latest research and a feature on one of our funded researchers, Dr Jörn Lakowski.