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The cover of the Retina UK leaflet featuring a group of three people sitting around a table. There are two women and one man

Introduction to the charity and a guide to services

Are you affected by inherited sight loss? We are here to help. Retina UK is a national charity. We offer information and support to people affected by inherited sight loss to enable them to lead better lives today and fund medical research to accelerate the search for treatments for the future.

Our staff

We employ a number of full and part-time staff. Our office is in Buckingham.

A group of people seated around a table. A man in the foreground is wearing a Retina UK tshirt with his back to the camera

Join our Lived Experience Panel

Our sight loss survey highlighted that you have a real appetite to get involved in representing the inherited sight loss community through activities like focus groups, surveys and research projects via the Retina UK Lived Experience Panel.