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Contact our Helpline

The content on this site will have answered some of your queries about inherited sight loss and associated syndromes, but everyone’s circumstances are different and you may have further questions.

Looking after your vision

It is important to avoid harming your vision, particularly if you have an inherited sight loss condition.

A high power image showing the position of a single transplanted photoreceptor cell (green) making new connections with bipolar cells in the recipient retina (cyan).

Stem cells

Stem cells are a special type of cell, which under the right conditions can be encouraged to grow into any other type of cell in the body, including retinal cells (rods, cones and retinal pigment epithelial cells).

A fruit pavlova with a Retina UK collecting tin at the rear of the picture

Birthday Fundraising

Mark your special day, whilst fundraising for people with inherited sight loss.