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ReNeuron trial FAQs

You may have heard that a cell-based treatment approach (sometimes referred to as a “stem cell treatment”), developed by a company called ReNeuron, is being tested in a clinical trial at Oxford Eye Hospital and other centres in the US and Europe.

A woman wearing a pink shirt talking on the phone

Talk & support service

Our Retina UK Talk & support service (formerly Telephone Befriending Service) links people who may be feeling isolated or lonely with a trained volunteer for regular contact.

Martin from Euroglaze

Taking on the bank!

Lockdown may have put the brakes on Euroglaze’s fundraising campaign for Retina UK initially, but the team at the Barnsley based Rehau fabricator are now on a roll once again.

Does gene therapy always have to be gene-specific?

Early 2020 marked an important milestone for the Retina UK community, when the first person with an inherited retinal condition received NHS treatment to potentially slow or even stop the progression of their sight loss.


UK Hikes

This year, could you take on a challenging hike for Retina UK? From Snowdon, to Ben Nevis, to the Yorkshire Three Peaks - choose your challenge today.