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An illustration of a DNA string

Why genes matter

Genes exist inside all the cells that make up your body. They contain genetic code (DNA) and provide instructions for constructing proteins, which are the building blocks of our bodies and perform a huge variety of roles.

The text in graphic says: Eye care support pathway Supporting you at every stage of your journey Underneath a graphic shows the four stages of an individual’s journey with the following text: 1. Having my initial appointment 2. Waiting well 3. Having my diagnosis confirmed 4. Waiting well 5. Support after my diagnosis 6. Waiting well 7. Living well with my condition Underneath this graphic it outlines what an individual can expect on their journey. Understand my eye care journey Understand my diagnosis Access emotional and practical support

The Eye Care Support Pathway

The Eye Care Support Pathway is a new framework to ensure patients have timely access to information, advice and support throughout their eye care journey.