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An illustration of two parents and a child being supported on a hand

Genetic counselling

Genetic counsellors are specially trained healthcare professionals with extensive scientific knowledge who spend time talking to families living with inherited conditions.

Lynda Cantor

What we do

Our vision is a world where everyone with inherited sight loss is able to live a fulfilling life.

Family planning

If you, or a close relative, are living with a genetic sight loss condition, there may be a chance that your children will inherit it.

A woman laughing facing the camera. There is a man sitting in front and slightly to the side of her (seen from behind)

Other Ways To Give

There are many other ways you can support Retina UK, including raising donations as you shop and sell online, and donating your foreign currency, stamps or shares.

A handshake

Our Partners

We are proud to work collaboratively with a number of corporate partners to enable our community to live fulfilled lives today as well as supporting the pharmaceutical industry in their mission to develop potential new treatments.

A young boy wearing glasses with his arms folded on a table

Information for teachers

If you have a child with a visual impairment joining your class, you may have questions about how best you can teach and help them.