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A man facing towards the camera seated with a woman facing away from the camera (towards the man)

Types of inherited sight loss

Inherited progressive sight loss is caused by a range of rare genetic conditions. We specialise in those which affect the retina.


The latest news from Retina UK. Please use the filters to find the articles which interest you.

New ‘vision’ and identity sight loss charities

The collective partnership of eight of the leading charities in the sight loss sector, known for the last three years as the VI Charity Sector Partnership, has re-launched under a new identity of the ‘Vision Partnership’ with a re-invigorated purpose and new strategic focus.

About Unlock Genetics

The aim of the site is to increase the level of awareness and understanding of genetic testing and genetic counselling among people living with inherited retinal dystrophies, empowering them to make fully informed decisions about their lives, healthcare and family planning.