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Elena Piotter

Meet a Researcher: Elena Piotter

Nurturing a new generation of scientists is a vital investment in the future of retinal disease research, so we are delighted to be funding, in collaboration with the Macular Society, a new PhD studentship at Oxford University, supervised by Professor Robert MacLaren.

A man facing towards the camera seated with a woman facing away from the camera (towards the man)

Types of inherited sight loss

Inherited progressive sight loss is caused by a range of rare genetic conditions. We specialise in those which affect the retina.


The BBC covered a story on Monday 24 May about optogenetics partially restoring the sight of a man living with retinitis pigmentosa in France.

Forget me not flowers

Giving in memory

Celebrate the life of your loved one, by donating in their memory and help us fund more research and support, now.

A man and a woman wearing smart clothes playing table tennis

How we can work together

We can provide all the support your organisation needs to work with us; from ideas to practical support and materials. The Retina UK team will help your contribution be as fun and rewarding as possible.