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Looking after your vision

It is important to avoid harming your vision, particularly if you have an inherited sight loss condition.

ReNeuron trial FAQs

You may have heard that a cell-based treatment approach (sometimes referred to as a “stem cell treatment”), developed by a company called ReNeuron, is being tested in a clinical trial at Oxford Eye Hospital and other centres in the US and Europe.

A handshake

Our Partners

We are proud to work collaboratively with a number of corporate partners to enable our community to live fulfilled lives today as well as supporting the pharmaceutical industry in their mission to develop potential new treatments.

A group of people standing in a room with exhibition stands behind them

Trusts and Foundations

Inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs) are the leading cause of blindness in working-age people in the UK, and children as young as eighteen-months are regularly diagnosed.

Does gene therapy always have to be gene-specific?

Early 2020 marked an important milestone for the Retina UK community, when the first person with an inherited retinal condition received NHS treatment to potentially slow or even stop the progression of their sight loss.