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Genetic testing: an essential topic for discussion with the IRD community

As Luxturna reaches the clinic and other gene-specific therapies for inherited retinal disease get closer to the end of the development pipeline, it is becoming ever more important that affected families can access a genetic diagnosis, potentially opening up choices around treatment and clinical trial participation.

A series of cogs interlocking on a blue background

Inheritance patterns

Your doctor or genetic counsellor will spend some time asking about other people in your family to try to work out the way in which your particular faulty gene has been passed down through the generations – this is referred to as the inheritance pattern.

Your donations make progress possible

Your generous support allows Retina UK to fund the work of leading scientists who are increasing understanding of inherited sight loss and moving us closer to treatments.

A handshake

Our Partners

We are proud to work collaboratively with a number of corporate partners to enable our community to live fulfilled lives today as well as supporting the pharmaceutical industry in their mission to develop potential new treatments.

An illustration of two parents and a child being supported on a hand

Genetic counselling

Genetic counsellors are specially trained healthcare professionals with extensive scientific knowledge who spend time talking to families living with inherited conditions.

Family planning

If you, or a close relative, are living with a genetic sight loss condition, there may be a chance that your children will inherit it.

A cog in white on a dark navy background

Getting a referral

If you have a diagnosis of an inherited retinal condition, or you are a close relative of somebody living with one of these conditions, you are entitled to access testing and genetic counselling.