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Jing Yu - a man wearing an orange t shirt facing the camera. There is a microscope to his left on a desk.

A blog from the research coal face

Jing Yu is a bioinformatician with the Eye Research Group at Oxford University, and is part of the UK Inherited Retinal Dystrophy Consortium (UKIRDC) team, funded by a Retina UK  grant.

Autosomal dominant inheritance

Autosomal dominant inheritance means that the faulty gene is on an autosome (any chromosome other than the sex chromosomes) and that only one faulty copy is needed to cause sight loss.

Four people sitting in a line. The person furthest away from the camera is the only one facing towards it. He is wearing a white shirt

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Our community is informed and knowledgeable about current research projects into the cause(s) of and treatments for these conditions.