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Does gene therapy always have to be gene-specific?

Early 2020 marked an important milestone for the Retina UK community, when the first person with an inherited retinal condition received NHS treatment to potentially slow or even stop the progression of their sight loss.

Coins stacked one on top of the other

Applying for research funding

We provide funding for innovative, high quality research projects investigating the causes and potential treatments for all forms of inherited retinal disease.

Images shows a group of three walkers walking along a trail with other walkers in the distance. Green fields and trees line the trail. 'Chiltern 50 Challenge' is written on the top right of the image.

Chiltern 50 Challenge

This ‘end of season’ 50km looped route covers some of the best of the Chilterns countryside. You can walk, jog, or run along historic trails and over rolling hills. A half distance 25km challenge is also available.

A large group of people with the focus on a man holding a cane. He is wearing sunglasses.

Information for employers

If you are considering employing someone with inherited sight loss, or have an employee recently been diagnosed with the condition, you will need to take steps to ensure that you treat them fairly and that they can work safely and effectively.