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About Unlock Genetics

The aim of the site is to increase the level of awareness and understanding of genetic testing and genetic counselling among people living with inherited retinal dystrophies, empowering them to make fully informed decisions about their lives, healthcare and family planning.

The text in graphic says: Eye care support pathway Supporting you at every stage of your journey Underneath a graphic shows the four stages of an individual’s journey with the following text: 1. Having my initial appointment 2. Waiting well 3. Having my diagnosis confirmed 4. Waiting well 5. Support after my diagnosis 6. Waiting well 7. Living well with my condition Underneath this graphic it outlines what an individual can expect on their journey. Understand my eye care journey Understand my diagnosis Access emotional and practical support

The Eye Care Support Pathway

The Eye Care Support Pathway is a new framework to ensure patients have timely access to information, advice and support throughout their eye care journey.

Who we are

Retina UK is a charity. Our Board of Trustees is responsible for the strategic management of the organisation and delivery of our charitable objectives.

Lynda Cantor

What we do

Our vision is a world where everyone with inherited sight loss is able to live a fulfilling life.

retinal device

Artificial vision

There are about 125 million rod and cone cells within the retina that act as the eye's light receptors.

Our Belfast group members

Information and support services

Whether you are looking for practical information or emotional support, online, by phone or face-to-face, we’re here to help.

A fruit pavlova with a Retina UK collecting tin at the rear of the picture

Birthday Fundraising

Mark your special day, whilst fundraising for people with inherited sight loss.